Kelly’s Story

While vacationing in Lake Travis during 2013, I came home from the trip with a big red rash on my thigh that would grow to be the size of a orange over the next week or so. My co-workers urged me to seek medical attention and when visiting my internal medicine doctor at St.Lukes, she sent me home and told me I was safe and had nothing to worry about. Ten days later I had a terrible flu/ sinus infection and ended up back in her office getting antibiotics. The saga continued for another 8 months of unexplained symptoms that were just treated as a sinus infection until one day I woke up with a stiff neck and had trouble walking and talking with severe neurological issues. I had to travel out of state to get a diagnosis since several practitioners in Houston told me that Lyme Disease doesn’t exist in the state of texas. Therefor I sought medical attention in New York. Long distance medicine is not an easy feat especially with a sensitive patient that doesn’t tolerate treatments very well. It has been 2.5 years since being bit and it took me 18 months to even get a diagnosis. I am still battling everyday to get the appropriate help to get my life back.


Libby Watt’s Story


Patricia Rick’s Story