The TXLDA is providing this information as a courtesy to the visitors of this website. The TXLDA makes no representations about the accuracy or efficacy of the information contained below or on the websites listed. The TXLDA does not endorse any of the medical providers, goods or services mentioned below or on the linked websites. We encourage anyone who believes they are suffering from a tick-borne illness to consult a trained medical professional for guidance and to not rely solely on the information shared below.
Printed Materials
What is Lyme Disease – Brochure
The Texas Lyme Disease Association has prepared a comprehensive brochure to introduce Texas residents to the prevalence and perils of Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses in our state. We encourage you to study this brochure, print it for future reference, and forward it to your family, friends, neighbors, schools, and healthcare professionals. These colorful and informative brochures may be freely printed and distributed without modification for non-commercial use. If you would like some brochures mailed to your clinic, organization, support group, or for an upcoming conference, go to the Contact Form and enter the mailing instructions along with the number of brochures you would like to receive, and we will send them to you.
TXLDA is seeking donors and corporate sponsors for future printings of this brochure. If you or your employer would like to sponsor this brochure, please go to the Contact Form and tell us what you would like to contribute. An acknowledgement will be prominently placed on the cover.
Download Brochure - What is Lyme Disease Brochure – English Version (774k PDF)
Evidence-based Guidelines for the Management of Lyme Disease – Brochure
The International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society has updated its guidelines for the treatment and management of Lyme disease with a patient-centered focus.
Download the ILADS Guidelines (336k PDF)
Targeting Lyme Rashes – Poster
While the classic bull’s eye rash (erythema migrans) is proof positive of Lyme disease, roughly half of Lyme patients do not report seeing a rash. And, if a rash does develop, it may not form the concentric circles of a bull’s eye. This poster identifies some of the other forms Lyme rashes can take. Permission to use this poster has been granted by LymeMD ,the Lyme Disease Research Foundation. If you would like to share this poster with others please contact lymemd.org for permission to do so.
Targeting Lyme Rashes – Poster (6MB PDF)
Websites and Online Resources
Texans for Patients and Physicians Rights
Dedicated to protecting the freedoms of patients’ and physicians’ rights in Texas and throughout the United States. If you would like to join this effort please contact us and feel free to distribute these articles and editorials widely
Visit Website
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
The following links all provide additional information about tick borne illnesses and Lyme disease.
For more information about Lyme disease, visit these websites:
Lyme Disease Association lymediseaseassociation.org
LymeDisease.org lymedisease.org
ILADS https://www.ilads.org
Tick Tracker https://ticktracker.com
LivLymeFoundation https://livlymefoundation.org
The MIGHTY https://themighty.com
LymeCares: https://www.facebook.com/LymeCares/
Kansas City, KS Lyme Association: https://www.lymefight.info/
Pennsylvania Lyme: www.palyme.org
Florida Lyme Disease Association: www.flda.org
Kansas Tick Borne Disease Advocates: https://www.facebook.com/KSTBDA/
Daniel Cameron: http://danielcameronmd.com
Cowden: http://buhnerhealinglyme.com
Stephen Buhner: http://buhnerhealinglyme.com
Dr. Axe: https://draxe.com
Richard Horowitz: http://www.cangetbetter.com
View our YouTube public service announcement on Lyme Disease.
A compelling documentary about Lyme Disease sufferers.
A gripping tale of microbes, medicine and money, Under Our Skin exposes the hidden epidemic of Lyme disease and reveals how our corrupt health care system is failing to address one of the most serious illnesses of our time.
Schedule a screening.
Lyme News
The Lyme Times
The Lyme Times is a quarterly magazine published by lymediease.org, the California Lyme disease association. It is the best resource for current issues affecting Lyme patients. Subscribe Here.
How to Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits with Lyme Disease
This article was written by the Outreach Team at Disability Benefits Help. They provide information about disability benefits and the application process. To learn more, please visit their website here or by emailing them at help@ssd-help.org.
Books & Publications
Comprehensive reading about Lyme, its diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Cure Unknown/Inside the Lyme Epidemic
By Pamela Weintraub
Paperback – Published 2009 – St. Martin’s Griffin
Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government’s Secret Island Germ Laboratory
By Michael Carroll (History of Lyme)
Patient Guides:
Why Can’t I Get Better? Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease
By Richard Horowitz
Multiple Lyme Books…
By Stephen Buhner
Bull’s-Eye: Unraveling the Mystery of Lyme Disease
By Jonathan A. Edlow
Hardcover / Published 2003 – Robert B. Parker
A compelling mystery and a riveting account of science in action.
Coping with Lyme Disease: Third Edition: A Practical Guide to Dealing with Diagnosis and Treatment
By Denise Lang and Kenneth Liegner, M.D.
Paperback / Published 2004
A good guide to diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.
Everything You Need to Know About Lyme Disease and Other Tick-Borne Disorders
By Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner, et al
Paperback / Published 1997
A complete review of the disease and the issues from the Chairperson of the Lyme Disease Foundation Board of Directors.
Patient stories and Lyme disease history:
The Widening Circle: A Lyme Disease Pioneer Tells Her Story
By Polly Murray
Hardcover Published 1996
A detailed account of the history of Lyme disease.
Lyme Disease: A Mother’s Perspective
By Karen Angotti
Published 1993
The true story of a family and their struggle with Lyme disease.
Lyme Disease: My Search for a Diagnosis
By Linda Hanner
Published 1991
An inspirational medical detective story.
Doctors With Lyme:
Gone in a Heartbeat: A Physician’s Search for True Healing
By Neil Spector
Sadly, we lost Dr. Spector in 2020. Please read this lovely tribute by Pat Smith, President of the Lyme Disease Association.
Celebrities With Lyme:
Believe Me: My Battle with the Invisible Disability of Lyme Disease
By Yolanda Hadid
Avril Lavigne: Under My Skin
By Avril Lavigne
Bite Me: How Lyme Disease Stole My Childhood, Made Me Crazy, and Almost Killed Me
By Ally Hilfiger and Tommy Hilfiger